Friday, November 12, 2010

One Day

I like to think that one day I will look back.  One day, perhaps 5 or 10 years from now, I will look back on this time and recall to anyone willing to listen,

 "I learned how to trade during a time of no sense.  I learned to trade during the illusion of hope of QE2, the reality of QE2, and the rise of gold.  I learned to trade when volume was low, when people were skeptical, and choppiness was at an all time high.  I learned to trade when October was actually a month of stock market gains and when global currency wars and riots in Europe broke out in November.

But, most of all, I learned how to trade with a supportive, encouraging, and laughter-inducing family and group of friends by my side.  What a difference my small part of the world made for me as I learned how to trade in this big world."

One day, that will be the story of what life was like when I started to trade.

1 comment:

  1. Add me to your list of supportive friends. I'm behind you all the way! Love Mat
